Finding subprocesses resetting the sudo timestamp

Finding subprocesses resetting the sudo timestamp

I recently had to debug an issue where I was running several processes in an automation environment, and one of them was running sudo --reset-timestamp and breaking the sudo auth I had given to the tty for that session.

Debugging it wasn't immediately obvious, so documenting it for future reference.


Create a fake sudo that logs what it is doing and who ordered it before running the actual sudo command.

brew install pstree

mkdir -p "$path_dir"

echo >"$path_dir"/sudo '#!/bin/zsh
/opt/homebrew/bin/pstree -g 3 -p $$ >>$TMPDIR/sudo-log
echo >>$TMPDIR/sudo-log

exec /usr/bin/sudo $@

chmod +x "$path_dir"/sudo


Assuming your script is run as /path/to/myscript args... then you'd run something like:

rm $TMPDIR/sudo-log
PATH=$TMPDIR/sudo-debug:$PATH /path/to/myscript args...

Then looking at the $TMPDIR/sudo-log file would show you blocks like:

─┬= 00001 root /sbin/launchd
 └─┬= 25111 gib /Applications/
   └─┬= 99824 root /usr/bin/login -f -l -p gib /Applications/ run-shell --shell /bin/zsh --shell-integration no-title --cwd=/Users/gib
     └─┬= 99825 gib -zsh
       └─┬= 99872 gib /path/to/myscript args...
         └─┬─ 07691 gib some-command some-args
           └─┬─ 07693 gib /bin/zsh /var/folders/k3/zn__xcl93gggy86h_80yj92w0000gn/T//sudo-debug/sudo --reset-timestamp
             └─┬─ 07694 gib /opt/homebrew/bin/pstree -g 3 -p 7693
               └─── 07695 root ps -axwwo user,pid,ppid,pgid,command

In this case the some-command some-args is the command that is running sudo --reset-timestamp.


In this specific case Homebrew was resetting the timestamp, see Homebrew/discussions#5528 for the reasoning behind that change.

The solution (from that link) was to isolate brew commands to their own pseudo-tty to avoid the timestamp reset affecting the rest of the current tty. This was done by adding this function to the shell script that calls brew:

# Work around <>
brew() {
  script -q /dev/null "$(command -v brew)" "$@"

See the commit for a worked example.